The purpose of LPV is to fly ILS look-alike procedures published as RNAV GNSS with LPV minima, by using SBAS. APproach with Vertical guidance (APV-SBAS). Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance ( LPV). It supports all phases of approach, landing, departure, and surface operations within its area of coverage. Ground-Based Augmentation System ( GBAS) is a safety-critical system that augments the GPS Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and provides enhanced levels of service. Remark: Alphanumeric characters not indicated in the table are reserved. If the letter S is used, standard equipment is considered to be VHF RTF, VOR and ILS, unless another combination is prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority. 13.9 Flight VFR from Calais to Kortrijk-Wevelgem with DR400.13.8 Flight AFR3041 with A332 from DNMM to LFPG.

13.7 Flight REU974 with B77L from LFPG to FMEE.13.6 Flight AF506KO with CRJX from LFPO to LFTH.13.5 Flight AF513UJ with A319 from LFTH to LFPO.13.4 Flight AFR3583 with B77W from FMEE to LFPO.13.3 Flight AF156EK with A321 from LFPO to LFBO.13.2 Flight AFR006 with A388 from LFPG to KJFK.13.1 Flight AFR2063 with A321 from ESSA to LFPG.10 Item 16 - Destination aerodrome, Total estimated elapsed time and destination alternate aerodromes.9.5 Cruise climb (maximum 28 characters).9.4 Change of flight rules (maximum 3 characters).9.3 Change of speed or level (maximum 21 characters).9.2 Significant point (2 to 11 characters).9 Item 15 – Route with cruising speed and level.8 Item 13 - Departure Aerodrome and planned time of departure.6 Item 9 - Number and type of aircraft and wake turbulence category.5 Item 8 - Flight rules and type of flight.