Using it during a teamfight in the jungle is extra powerful because the enemies outside of brush completely lose sight inside of it due to a lack of shared sight.Even if you aren't near the fight, don't be afraid to use Paranoia to confuse and separate the other team.Late game it becomes a useful dash during teamfights ensuring that nobody escapes with low health. Early and mid-game, Paranoia is a great way to pounce on an overextended opponent for an easy kill.Time it to avoid high damage abilities such as Requiem or hard CC. A well timed Shroud of Darkness can turn fights in your favor.It can be essential for surviving ganks or ganking others. Save your Shroud of Darkness if you don't require it.Unspeakable Horror allows you to win fights that you otherwise wouldn't because of its hard CC.Enemy champions closing on you might not see Unspeakable Horror in time.You can either use the fear to ensure landing Duskbringer or vice versa. Unspeakable Horror has great synergy with Duskbringer.Also, aiming this skill away from the tower while trying to split push could give you a fast escape route while still giving you the bonus attack damage. However, this tactic should be used with caution if an enemy champion is nearby, as hitting an enemy champion with Duskbringer will cause the turret's priority to change to you. A well-aimed Duskbringer may not only damage oncoming minions, but also gives you the benefits of a Dusk Trail, allowing you to do more damage to the turret. Duskbringer can be a good tool when attacking turrets.Stealthed champions hit by Duskbringer will leave a trail, allowing you to momentarily observe their movements despite their invisibility.Be sure to hit your target with Duskbringer when you are ganking, as it will allow you to close distance and stay on your target more easily.Using Duskbringer is an effective way to chase or escape an enemy.Attack speed runes and his Shroud of Darkness synergize well with Umbra Blades since its cooldown is decreased with every autoattack landed. Umbra Blades allows Nocturne to jungle well.Nocturne's Unspeakable Horror is broken with range, so try to save your movement abilities for when he casts it.Stay close to your allies when Paranoia is cast - there is strength in numbers!.Use this to gain the bonus attack speed from Shroud of Darkness' passive to attack faster.

Shroud of Darkness can be triggered by the Dragon's basic attack.Your opponents may panic and waste a critical disable on your spell shield.

Use Shroud of Darkness in tandem with Paranoia's dash.It can be used to close distance out of combat or escape from certain death. Duskbringer isn't only an offensive ability.Using Paranoia at a critical moment is well worth it even if you cannot use the dash.Its small size, weight and power (SWaP) makes this camera ideal for integration into aerial, mobile and hand-held surveillance. This rugged camera features high-definition resolution, high sensitivity and high dynamic range with low power consumption.
Both the LYNX and KAMELEON CMOS imaging sensors provide full SXGA resolution at up to 100 frames per second, with < 4e- read-out noise and without cooling. These fully solid-state CMOS sensors provide excellent imaging across varying light conditions, from daylight to low-light levels - such as those found during a quarter-moon. The Nocturn U3 Camera is powered by the KAMELEON Color CMOS imaging sensor, or the LYNX monochrome sensor, both optimized for low light level imaging. The KAMELEON Color and LYNX Monochrome CMOS imaging sensors are designed for Night Vision, Homeland Security and Surveillance applications. Product Description Nocturn U3, Low Light Camera, USB 3.0, 100 fps, CMOS, 1280 x 1024